Next Level

LoCo Next Level chapters were developed to address the challenges faced by companies in their next level of complexity and looking for their next level of growth. Members are generally owner/operators of 25+ employee companies, with $5,000,000 - $50,000,000 in annual gross revenues. Too big to be small, and too small to be big.

Made for Business Owners

Business owners seeking entrepreneur mentor program to further develop key professional skills faster in a collaborative group environment, resulting in enhanced business learning through different perspectives, diverse industries, and ongoing peer accountability. Share your experience with your peers and learn from their stories and expertise for you to grow your business faster.

The Structure of a Chapter

  • Monthly 4-6 hour chapter meetings
  • Up to 12 members per chapter
  • 1 LoCo Facilitator  
  • Opportunities to connect with other LoCo Think Tank members
  • Meetings typically include lunch in a premium private meeting room
  • Expert topical speakers and workshops approximate quarterly
  • One-on-one meetings with LoCo Facilitator and fellow members
  • Opportunities to share the topic with another LoCo Think Tank chapter
Member attendance expected at 80% of meetings and members may be asked to resign if it falls below. New members are added if no conflict of interest and with the unanimous consent of existing members.
I'm Interested in Membership
Photo taken from behind of a man sitting in front of a laptop at a conference table while the man across from him raises his hand

Price: $1,199/month

No initiation fee and no long-term contract

full terms and expectations on application

How can I join?

We have a set process for new members and it all comes down to the chapter.
We believe the chapter holds the chapter

Connect with LoCo > Submit Application > Meet a Facilitator > Visit a Chapter > Get Accepted by The Group

I'm Interested in Joining!

Are You a Next Level Candidate?

If 7 out of 10 apply to you, you qualify to apply for a Next Level Chapter!
  • Have strong market share, consistent revenue growth, and growing market (must have 2 of 3)
  • Manage 8-figure revenues, 7-figure payroll, and 6-figure personal income (must have 2 of 3)
  • Are experiencing rapid industry change - growth, decline, consolidation, tech disruption, etc.
  • Have developed a business model of next level complexity and function 
  • Serve as the leadership architect within their organization
  • Share their time, treasure, and talents within their communities
  • Pursue healthy relationships and have a generally healthy lifestyle
  • Are kind, of good reputation and character, and are fun to be around
  • Are willing to be transparent and vulnerable in a diverse and confidential setting
  • Have a passion for discerning truth, and value the perspective of others in seeking it
Is membership right for me?
Photo taken from behind of a man sitting at a conference table with a laptop
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Photo of Jen from Summit Cabinet Coatings

Jen with Summit Cabinet Coatings

I have been SO happy with my decision to join LoCo Think Tank. In only five months it has already had a tremendous impact on our business. There is an amazing amount of achievement and intelligence represented in the leaders and members. The discussions cut to the heart of issues quickly and enable a business owner to move through challenges that could otherwise cost lots of time, money and stress to resolve. I am so stoked this exists!!

Find out if a Next Level chapter is right for you.

Connect with us to see if a LoCo chapter is the best fit for you.
Connect with us
LoCo Think Tank, LLC BBB Business Review
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