Want to be a facilitator?
The LoCo Facilitator is the minder of the chapter. They are driven by the purpose and impact of the role and focused on maximizing the experience of Thinkers. The facilitator manages communications leading up to and following each meeting, maintains order during the meetings, and meets one-on-one with members in between.
We require that facilitator prospects meet at least 7 of 10 of these characteristics to begin a conversation toward becoming a LoCo Facilitator:
1. Passion for Business - Top of the list for a reason! We heart small business!
2. Give-back Mindset - Would/could volunteer for this role, but we pay!
3. Purpose Driven - Leveraged impact for the good of our community!
4. Enjoyable Personality - People want to be around people they like. duh.
5. High Level of Achievement - Don't need a job, but would love this role.
6. Founded/Owned a Successful Business - Been there, done that.
7. Peer Advisory Experience - It helps - once you know the power, you know.
8. Financial Aptitude - In the end, business is about making profit, let's do it!
9. Trained/Experienced in Facilitation - It's a learned skill, and takes time to master.
10. Topical Expertise - Bring it and share it, but don't peddle it unless asked please.
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